Skin care include: acupuncture massage, freckle facial mask, essence import, vitamin E skin care.
皮肤护理包括: 穴位按摩, 祛斑面膜, 精华素导入, 维生素E护肤.
——期刊摘选Ann : No, but he uses my facial mask, secretly.
不会, 但他会用我的面膜, 偷偷地.
互联网At this time the skin can benefit from a facial mask.
互联网Afterward spreads the facial mask again, the nutrient absorption is more effective.
之后再敷上面膜, 养分吸收更有效.
互联网We have facial mask, moisturizing lotion, eye cream and tonic.
包括面膜, 保湿乳液, 眼霜及爽肤水.
互联网To apply mature light facial mask and gently stretch to cover the entire face.
互联网It can be used for anti - dryness in office and as a toner before applying facial mask.
互联网Yes , sure. This line of products is fragrance - free. We have facial mask, moisturizing lotion and eye - cream.
当然有, 这系列的产品都是无香味的, 包括面膜 、 水分乳霜及眼霜.
互联网We have a facial mask, moisturizing lotion, eye - cream and tonic.
包括面膜 、 水分乳霜 、 眼霜及爽肤水.
互联网This of facial mask's purification effect has expulsion of toxin the effect, meanwhile can the whitening.
这款面膜的净化功效有排毒功效, 同时还能美白.
互联网I'd like to make a facial mask and have a relax.
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